Diesel and Detroit went trick or treating together as spiderman and batman, detroit actually grabbed the candy for himself and put it in his bucket, it was cute. Diesel had to check out each houses decorations (roar at any kind of monster shaped face, showing it he was tougher) before he would knock on the door, so trick or treating took a long time for us... good thing it was raining
workin on their candy together

and diesel wont pay attention to anything when he has candy

his first tastes of candy
I guess he thought that was the face your supposed to make when you eat candy...or he is just as big a poser as diesel!
and again

little hannah spent halloween with us, she was pretty cute, someone snuck her a chocolate candy later that night... i dont know if it was detroit or diesel but by the time brian and emily caught it she had already tasted her first licks of chocolate (they were trying to keep her from any sugar for most of her childhood life, oops)