We started our move right before Curtis bday so we were staying in a hotel, searching for houses on his big 3-0 bday. My dad came to help with the move and watched the kids that night so at least he got to go out for his bday! Met some friends at benihanas, it was a lot of fun...thanks dad

The boys watchin movies in the back together on the road trip there, with their "Hogwash"

A couple days later, still looking for houses, still at the hotel... Detroit and Diesel are flying around planes and dragons in the hotel room, Detroit falls out the second story window. Rushed him to the er, this pic is actually his ambulance ride to childrens hospital where they transfered him.

No broken bones, no broken neck, he did have to stay the night because his spleen swelled up from impact...

Curtis spent the night with him so I could stay at the hotel with Phoenix to nurse him in the night...I came back in the morning all worried and thinking I would find him laying down in bed resting- this is what I walk in to find, hes dressed in a gown, painting, that beautiful picture he is standing by. Having a blast, melting the nurses hearts. Hes such a happy kid, nothing phases him for too long.

The window on top there, is the window in my nightmares...still cant believe it happened. We are so lucky, so blessed, that absolutely nothing was wrong in the end, he came out unharmed, checked out of the hospital the next morning, spleen swelling went down in the night. His grandma said that angels broke his fall. Hopefully they stick around him for a long time, cuz he can be pretty reckless! Does not take after Diesel...maybe its from his dad!

Yes some new pics to see, except for the fact poor lil man fell out the window! Too much superman and spiderman movies for Detroit, he thinks he can fly!
Hey how do I add you as my friend on this blog thing anyway? Haha I havent even told anyone my address yet just you, its here only for your viewing pleasure haha jk
tanya!! I was thinking about you today and thoughtidcheck out your blog! where did you guys move to? I cannot believe Detroit fell out of that window. and I can't believe how old your baby is. tell me what's up!
Tanya! K now you have to add me to your list :) but dying a little at the window incident! He IS such a sweetheart I am so glad everything worked out ok, their little bodies are so durable.
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