Off to Seattle, I left 4 days before Curtis so I took the boys on the plane myself. They were shockingly perfect going thru the airport. They held hands...the whole way to the terminal until they got on the plane...totally their idea, they did it when they got off the plane as well?! and they kept those santa hats on the whole time, I think behaving for Santa inspired them. The plane ride wasnt bad either, I was pretty scared to do it myself again now that Detroit is much more hyper and mobile and 2.. but it was good, there was only 30 mins of the 4 hours that were a little bad, and I cant even remember it. I think Detroit wanted to run the aisles or something..and Diesel has totally mellowed out, said many people on this trip, so he's way easy to travel with now. He's a pretty good little boy now, Detroit is such a hand full now that I dont remember Diesel ever being hard, but Curtis said he was the same as Detroit, I need to break out the home videos I guess.

Diesel likes to study up on this pamphlet before every take off..and talk to me about the plane in the water in it..hope it doesnt make people nervous around us (Mom, are we gonna land on the water like this one)

Christmas Eve Pj's..good job grandma...