Diesel had his first basketball and indoor soccer season this summer. We kind of had to say he was born a year earlier, but he fit in just fine! There basketball team won all but one game I think soccer was maybe 50 50. Anyway, it was the cuttest/funniest thing I've seen in a while. He started getting the concept during the middle of the season. He didnt really understand taking the ball from someone else at first. We spend so much time telling them to share on not steal toys out of other kids hands..and then they start sports and you tell them the opposite. So it was probably pretty confusing at first. Anyway, during his last games of soccer, he was stealing from his own teammates! Funny! We need to work with him a little I guess. Basketball is way funnier than soccer. Its more complicated I think so it just makes it funnier. He and Detroit practice at home before the games, he tries to teach Detroit to get in his stance and gaurd him. Then he switches him places, its so funny, he wants to coach him. Taking Detroits to the games is always interesting. The first soccer game I took him to he cried pretty hard that he couldnt go in and play too. It was sad. We will get him his own team soon, I think I heard about a 3 year old team. In basketball he wants to go sit on the team bench. They had a few practices during the beginning of the season that Detroit participated in, I couldnt keep him off the court, he actually keeps up. That team picture down there, Detroit was in a few of those taken. He thought it was his team too. He's a pretty good dribbler. Diesels defense is pretty good, we need to work on his offense though!

He picked number 11, which was my number, but he picked it on his own!

Most of the team

Takin the ball up the court